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MOOVE is a blockchain-based auction platform and NFT marketplace created by Marco Roccon as part of the final project for the Master in Blockchain Development at start2impact University.

The platform is fully functional, allowing users to bid for a chance to obtain unique NFTs from the MOOVE collection. Each auction lasts 30 days, after which the highest bidder wins the NFT. If no bids are placed by the end of an auction, the NFT is marked as "unsold" and becomes available in the "Buy" section at its starting price.

Both the auction process and the marketplace are fully managed by smart contracts developed in Solidity and deployed on the Sepolia testnet. Users can connect a web3 wallet to interact with the platform and view their NFTs in the "MyNFTs" section.

The platform's design is entirely created by the author and aligns with the futuristic aesthetic commonly adopted by designers in the web3 space.

MOOVE is open to everyone for testing and interaction. The minting mechanisms have been successfully implemented and tested, ensuring that anyone has a real chance to win one of the 13 unique NFTs in the collection.

This project has been a tough challenge, but through perseverance, I turned every mistake into a learning opportunity, which ultimately made me a better developer. Each difficulty I faced became a strength and laid the foundation for further growth in my skillset.

Marco Roccon

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